Moonlighter Wiki

This comes with the Shop Level 2 shop upgrade. Allows Will to take on quests for his customers. You can only receive one quest per day, with up to three quests active at any given time.

Accepting Quests[ | ]

You may notice that upon upgrading your shop, there is now a blue cloth and a white cloth on either side of your cash register. Customers will occasionally approach the counter without an item, standing on the right side in front of the white cloth.

When Will approaches them, there will be an option to Talk. Pressing the corresponding keybind will pause the game and open the Quest interface.

Quest Types[ | ]

Fetch[ | ]

Requires Will to bring back a certain amount of a specific item. It does not tell you where the items can be found, so you may need to reference your Merchant Notebook.

Kill[ | ]

Requires Will to kill 10 of a specific enemy and collect notes from them. The Notes do take up inventory space, so you'll need to manage that. It does not tell you where these enemies can be found however so you may need to do some serious dungeon diving to find them.

Appearance Monster Dungeon Floor
Bard Puppet Bard Puppet Desert Dungeon Second floor and up
Blade Tree Blade Tree Forest Dungeon Second floor and up
Cloth Tangle Cloth Tangle Desert Dungeon All floors
Death Generator Death Generator Tech Dungeon
Electric Post Electric Post Tech Dungeon
Electromagnetic Ball Electromagnetic Ball Tech Dungeon
Fire Puppet Fire Puppet Desert Dungeon
Flying Kamikaze Golem Flying Golem Golem Dungeon Second floor and up
Flying Repair Golem Flying Repair Golem Golem Dungeon
Forest Seeder Seeder Forest Dungeon
Forest Tangle Forest Tangle Forest Dungeon
Fruit Turret Fruit Turret Forest Dungeon
Gardener Landscaper Forest Dungeon
Golem Turret Golem Turret Golem Dungeon All floors
Kamikaze Golem Golem Mine Golem Dungeon
Katamari Golem Katamari Golem Desert Dungeon All floors
Lava Catapult Lava Catapult Desert Dungeon All floors
Magician Puppet Magician Puppet Desert Dungeon
Mother Golem Mother Golem Desert Dungeon Second floor and up
Patrol Golem Patrol Golem Desert Dungeon Second floor and up
Recharger Recharger Tech Dungeon
Spinning Mushroom Spinning Mushroom Forest Dungeon
Spore Bush Spore Bush Forest Dungeon All floors
Stone Butler Stone Butler Golem Dungeon Second floor and up
Stone Soldier Stone Soldier Golem Dungeon All floors
Tech Tangle Tech Tangle Tech Dungeon
Tech Turret Tech Turret Tech Dungeon
Venomous Tangle Venomous Tangle Forest Dungeon All floors
Wind Tree Wind Tree Forest Dungeon All floors

Turning in Quests[ | ]

Will has 3 days from the day he accepted the quest to complete it (the number of days can be increased with decorations however) and, on the day it is due, Will will need to open The Moonlighter for business (having your Shop Assistant selling things does not suffice) so that the customer can collect. The customer who made the request will come in shortly after the shop opens and approach the white cloth again. Speak with them and hand over the items to complete the quest.

The items they request do not need to be in your inventory; they will collect them even if they are in a chest, but not if they are on a sales table.

Completion[ | ]

Upon completion, you will receive a specified sum of gold. For fetch quests, the sum should be greater than what you would receive by selling (requires confirmation).

Failure[ | ]

If you do not have the requested items or fail to open the shop on the day the quest is due, it will be marked as failed in your calendar.
